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septembra 2015, od 10. ure v ZPM Maribor, Razlagova 16, Maribor. Ni del tiste oddaljene, nam nedostopne kulture. Ni nekaj, česar si tukaj ne bi mogli privoščiti . Če ste obiskovalec raznih prireditev in dogodkov, ki se dogajajo v sklopu japonske kulture, ste zagotovo videli barvite jukate. S katerimi boste usvojili vso znanje, ki ga potrebujete ZA.
septembra 2015, od 10. ure v ZPM, Razlagova 16, Maribor. Nagrada za kraljico in mojstra MokuMatsuri karute. Pridite na igre, saj vas karte že veselo čakajo.
Language and Personality of Facebook Users. Through the conversation, participant 1 and participant 2 used multiple ellipses, varying voice intonation, hand gestures and questions. The table above shows the 13 communication strategies used by participant 1 and participant 2. Both participants abandoned 1 one message. Both participants did not apply any. Both participants did not apply any.
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For a minut there I lost myself.